Rail // RAIL Live! 2024
Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre // Station Road, Long Marston CV37 8PL
Join us at RAIL LIVE! 2024 / UK

Join us at our booth E17
Team Zöllner are proudly exhibiting at Rail Live this coming June. Our UK General Manager, Michael Allsop will be present and open to have any discussions regarding our Zöllner equipment and support. Mitchel Singh our TWS Trainer will also be available for demonstrations and advice around any training needs. Sam Kendall our TWS designer will be present to discuss any current or future design work.
You are welcome to drop in for a casual chat at any point over the 2 days, however, if you would like to book a guaranteed time to have a more formal meeting to discuss any of your product, support or design needs with the team, please contact Michael Allsop who would be more than happy to plan your visit.
We will be showcasing and demonstrating our NEW axle counting ATWS cabinet and upgraded cabinet on both days. The new and exciting ZCloud will be available to view which monitors the status and tracking location of your Zöllner equipment. Our vegetation system ZVW will also be available to look at and the opportunity to try on the equipment.
We look forward to welcoming you to our stall and meeting later this year.
Rail Live 19.06.2024-20.06.2024
Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre,
Station Rd,
Long Marston,
CV37 8LL