We’re here for you

If you have any questions, requests, or suggestions about the company, our products and services, or this website, please contact us directly. Over the phone, by e-mail or, by appointment, in person. We will be happy to help you!



Dr. Philipp Murmann

Register and tax number 20/298/05247
The company is registered at the District Court of Kiel.
Register number: HR B 9618 KI // VAT No.: DE 258968647



The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Photos, graphics, and texts may only be used with permission. ZÖLLNER makes every effort to ensure that all information and data on its website is correct and up to date. However, any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness, and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded.

How can we help you?

Please add 2 and 5.

Contact information

Radewisch 40
24145 Kiel

Phone: +49 431 7027-100
Fax: +49 431 7027-202


24/7 customer service Rail: +49 177 357 14 66

Our 24/7 support hotline is available to you around the clock. Experienced technicians advise you if you have problems on your worksite or help you on site, if needed.

How to find us