Inclinometer Sestrel
Sestrel Electronic Pitch & Roll (EPR) Inclinometer is a heel and pitch measuring system. It is a robust and accurate instrument and fully compliant with IMO recommendations.
Hence it displays true heel and roll period in high accuracy. The standard display screen shows the actual heel angles at port and starboard side in red & green. A second display screen is available for Escort Tug operations. The Tug Master is able to monitor heel angles. In the event of exceeding preset safe levels, will visual and audible alarm be signalled for corrective action to be taken. The heel angle zones are: Green (safe) Amber (action required) and Red (immediate action required). All zones are Tug Master adjustable.
Because every detail matters
- ±180° for heel, ±90° for pitch angle
- 0.01° for angle, 0.1 s for time measurements
- ±45°
- 4...40 s
- ±5% or ±1°
- ±5% or ±1 s