Permanent warning systems
For recurring maintenance work or patrolling, a fix installation of the warning system is recommended. For this purpose, the train detectors are permanently installed into the track and the associated junction boxes and transmitters are safely stored in a cabinet. Alternatively, the control can also take place via an interface to the interlocking or the operations control centre.
The warning system is now permanently operational. For safety purposes, only the warning devices required for the tasks are logged into the existing system, regardless of the length of the worksite. It is therefore not necessary to be in the danger zone to start up the warning system.
These are the special requirements of fixed installed or interlocking warning systems
- Immediate availability without necessary outline design
- Reliable and highly available technology
- Low maintenance and care intensity
This is why ZÖLLNER is the ideal partner
- Quick installation and start up of the devices
- Highest safety level of the devices (SIL 4)
- Train detection or train information from the interlocking fully automatic
- Securing of small to large construction sites possible
From the field: Permanent Warningsystem at Infrabel, Belgium
This video shows the interlocking ATW-Tx solution from Belgium.