More safety on tracks and at sea

At ZÖLLNER, our vision is to contribute to safety in shipping and rail transport worldwide with our services. We are proud to be the leading international provider and partner for solutions that improve safety for people in a complex, digitalised and globalised world.

The latest from our Business Units


ZCloud is the cloud service from ZÖLLNER that allows users to access device data on railway worksites remotely and in realtime. The English version of the ZCloud is now available for demonstrations.



Composer Murray Jamieson and artist Christof Schläger collaborated on an awe-inspiring acoustic project using a unique ensemble of 53 acoustic horns, partially by ZÖLLNER, to create a playable organ for a marketing campaign.

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Get an impression of the areas of application and possibilities that ZÖLLNER offers

On tankers, container ships, military ships, cruisers, super yachts, fishing trawlers, ZÖLLNER products are exposed to the most different conditions and you will find them in use all over the world.

ZÖLLNER at a Glance

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Mobile working and pay scale above average.
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You can count on ZÖLLNER!

Our three business areas in figures.

Naval customers worldwide put their trust in ZÖLLNER
2.879 safety systems are in use across Europe
75 years of know-how in the development of signal horns for rail vehicles

About us // 75 years of ZÖLLNER

You want to know more details about our company? Read hear stories from employees, contributions from partners and customers, visions for the future and much more!

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